
Reflections on Coding, and Science Education

How To...Rails: Complex Associations, Nested Forms, and Form Helpers

In my first post, I used a Contact List example to illustrate basic CRUD actions in Rails. In this post, I’ll build on that example to develop more complex model associations, and build a single nested form that allows users to create instances of multiple models with the correct associations. This will rely heavily on form helper methods and custom writer methods, and we’ll look at the HTML that is generated by using these methods with our forms.

How To...Rails: Basic CRUD, RESTful Routes, and Helper Methods

In this series of How To posts, I will be summarizing the key points of essential topics and illustrating them with a simple example. I’ll briefly explain what each piece of code does and how it works. Stay tuned as I add more HOW TO posts in the series each week!

Bird Log: A Sinatra Project

I created Bird Log, a bird watching web app, for my first Sinatra Project.

Climate Pattern Generator: Testing and Lessons Learned

In my last blog post, “To Scrape, or not to Scrape”, I laid out the plan for my first Command Line Interface application project and the challenges I encountered in accessing daily weather data for an entire year. This post will update how the project has come together, and share some of the lessons learned from testing and troubleshooting the program.

To Scrape, or Not to Scrape?

This week, I have been working on my first project, a CLI application. The goal is to build a CLI that allows users to make choices, then either scapes data from a website or an API and stores, manipulates, and presents that data.